Originally published in the National

Joanna Cherry: Union of Equals would furlough when needed, not wait on England

ByJoanna CherryThe Tories are less than enthusiastic when it comes to supporting ordinary people through the crisis


The Tories are less than enthusiastic when it comes to supporting ordinary people through the crisis.

THE attempts by ScottishToriesto benefit from this week’s furlough fiasco would be laughable if we weren’t talking about people’s livelihoods. The shambles that have occurred is no way to run a country let alone a supposed union of equals. While Scottish ministers are trying to take important strategic decisions to protect public health the Scottish Tories are more interested in trying to ensure Douglas Ross gets a win and puts out a zinger of a tweet. It was tragi-comic to observe how his efforts failed and such glory as he managed to obtain didn’t even last 12 hours. The efforts of David Mundell to pull off the same “feat” the…

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